Magical NYC Streets

New York City is a land of magic. Every time I enter the city, it’s like I get a surge of energy. I’m serious, going to NYC basically means insomnia for me. It’s welcomed insomnia though. I think it’s because NYC streets are just so filled of life, art, excitement, and adventure; it almost seems like a waste to sleep through it.

NYC Streets

NYC Streets

I can’t really say which NYC streets are my favourites. I’ve been so many times and yet the same NYC streets look different each and every time. I think that’s what I love so much about them. They seem to always magically change, as if in some dynamic alternate universe.

NYC Streets

NYC Streets

The hustle and bustle, noises, and excitement that fills the NYC streets is contagious. It makes you feel inspired to reset, recalibrate, and delve deeper. I always become so productive after coming back from a trip to NYC. This bubble of energy deserves the international respect that it gets for sure.

NYC Streets

On every corner of NYC streets, there’s something cool and exciting if you open your eyes to see it. This trip, we happened to be strolling to H&M Home as our destination (something we haven’t received in Canada yet), and stumbled past St. Patrick’s Cathedral. At first, it looks like every other beautiful constructed, old church; but if you turn your head and get at the right angle, it feels like you’re immersed in an Old European town.

I think it speaks to the history of NYC streets, the romance that seems to get lost within it, and the grandeur of its beauty.

Naturally, we stopped here and took photos. The marble pillars and speckled steps called for attention.

NYC Streets

This look was kind of counter-inspired by the busyness of NYC streets. As busy as it is, there’s simplicity in its meanings if you at it with the right mindset. It’s modern, fresh, perhaps not clean, but innovative. It’s the city of dreams where your fresh slate really means just that, a fresh, clean, slate for you to create whatever your mind desires.

NYC Streets

In a perfect world, every street would be like those inspiring NYC streets; but then perhaps it would lose its lustre on me?

NYC Streets

So there you have it, your weekly cheesy-Mel post, full of cliché nuances, metaphors, and sentimental memories.

mel inspired

Does this Magical NYC Streets Effect happen to anyone else?