There have been so many occasions and parties that I’ve been to where I’ve thought, “gee, I really wish I didn’t have to drink this… I don’t feel like drinking today”, which is a thought generally followed by “but I don’t want to be the Sober Nancy that everyone asks: why don’t you have a drink in your hand”. Well, Susan, I don’t have a drink in my hand because I don’t feel like drinking – is what I’d like to say. But often times, I end up filling a glass and cheers-ing along so that I can have a good time with friends without feeling like an outcast. Gee, it sure does feel like highschool again doesn’t it?
Why Non-Alcoholic Beverages?
For the longest time, and still to this day, truthfully, I don’t drink that much alcohol. I know it might not be the popular opinion, but I actually don’t LIKE the feeling of alcohol. I love the taste of a beautifully crafted drink and the complex aromas and flavours that go with it… but I can’t say that the feeling of alcohol entering my blood system is my favourite. In truth, I mostly drink (if at all) because it’s both tasty and social (Dave and I love hosting people in our home). But it’s a rare occasion to see me drinking on my own.
And for us non-alchy’s, there’s not much of an option out there. Not to mention, how about those days you’re feeling a glass of something but really don’t feel like feeling hung over afterwards? Right now, as I sit here writing this in March of 2020, we’re all sitting in self-isolation in our homes, going stir crazy, and it’s easy to feel like drinking can pass the time quicker. I know I’ve certainly thought about it. And although I’m fully supportive of people drinking for whatever choices they do (I just happen to only enjoy it in the company of others), there aren’t many options if you’re looking for one that doesn’t include a 2-drink-limit-or-else-I-won’t-function-the-next-day caviat.
Gruvi As A Brand
When I first heard about Gruvi, I was intrigued. It looked just like one of the beverages you’d pick up at the liquor store – cool, sexy, and fun (most non-alcoholic brands can only be found in the juice isle of a grocery store during Christmas time). After a bit more research, I learned that they fully got my internal Susan conversation. They believe in a world where you can enjoy A GOOD drink that doesn’t need to be alcoholic. Their passion for creating beverages that weren’t a “little-brother alternative” but delicious in and of themselves seemed like one I would want to support.
But let’s be honest, alcohol-free drinks don’t taste the same… right?
Gruvi Craft Beer Review
Dave is definitely the beer drinker in our pod. I love a good sip from his glass every now and then for some bubbly goodness, but he knows his shiz when it comes to beers. It felt right to have Dave properly review Gruvi’s craft beers. They have quite a few options, which is nice: their Weisse, IPA, Lager and Stout. Dave’s favourite was the Lager – a light, refreshing beer. It’s actually their newest release and isn’t available on their site online yet, but when it is, I definitely recommend checking it out. You can check out all of the other craft beers that they have available on their site now. Here’s what Dave had to say about the new Lager and the Gruvi craft beers in general:
At first, you’re like… this is beer. Then your mind reminds you… oh wait, it’s not. But it tastes like the beers I get from our hipster breweries down the street. I guess the difference is, I won’t feel like a sack of potatoes after I’m done. For sure – you’re not getting that buzz on, but honestly, I’m alright with that. Most of the time, that buzz isn’t worth it anyways. If you gave me a cup of this and one of my typical beers, I don’t know that I could tell you which is which from the taste alone.
Gruvi Prosecco Review
This is my time to shine. Prosecco is my jam. Prosecco, Champagne, Moscato, Reislings… I’m here for all of the bubbly wines. First off, I love that the bottle is a single serving. Sometimes I’ll crack open a bottle and realize I only wanted one glass (and by the time I reach for it in the fridge again, it doesn’t have that same sparkle). The prosecco is made with chardonnay wine grapes, doesn’t have any gluten, sulfates, or added sugars, and is only 50 calories per bottle. This alone gets my vote. But how about the taste right?
It’s DEL-I-CIOUS. I’m not a connoisseur when it comes to wines beyond whether it tastes good and satisfies what I’m craving (this is just what’s important to me), and this prosecco is delicious. I found it really light, crip and refreshing, and mostly importantly, not too sweet. I find that a lot of alcohol-free alternatives are typically just pop with a different label, but this prosecco TASTES LIKE prosecco. It’s also a great bevvie to create your own mocktails with. I think it would taste really good with a lavender blend.
You can shop for Gruvi beverages and find a store near you here. Canadians can also order it and get delivery through here which is AWESOME.
If you’re from the US or are ordering to the US via their website, the team at Gruvi was so kind and offered me a discount code so you can try it out too:
Use code: Mel15
A big thank you to brands like Gruvi who are creating solutions that some of us have been hoping for and that some of us didn’t know we needed but do. My only negative review is that I’d love more options! As the brand grows, I hope to see them come out with even more flavours. Until then, thank you for giving me something to hold on to so that Susan can back off at the next BBQ!
***This post was made in generous partnership with Gruvi. All thoughts, opinions, and recommendations exclusively my own.