Why I’ve Been Shopping In The Mens Section

Androgynous style is not a new thing. Beyond the effortless cool factor I think goes along with androgynous style, I feel like it also represents a sort of societal symbol of gender equality. A hot topic, no doubt.


Lines between what men and women should look like, what they should do in society, and their roles, have become increasingly blurred. I think that’s amazing. Boundaries in life are what keep us from doing what we love and they should be broken down wherever possible.

It’s almost liberating to not have to confine yourself to what you’re “supposed to do” or “supposed to wear”. Truthfully, I think we as females get the better end of the stick. Having 2 full sections to shop from is awesome and definitely inspires creativity in style.

That being said, I’m clearly a fan of mixed gender dressing. I’m not an extremist, but there are some pretty cool guys’ pieces in my closet that I just can’t live without.


One of these pieces is this new sweater from Bench that I just acquired. It is LITERALLY the softest thing in my closet. Yes, it even beats my cashmere sweaters. Don’t ask me how… it’s clearly magic.

The sweater is also on sale right now which is a huge plus! Tis the season for holiday sales after all… and this makes the perfect gift for both the male and female in your life.


I’m a fan of mixing it up though… so to add back that feminine flare, I layered the sweater on top of a bell sleeve top (scored for $15 at H&M) and sparkly metallics in my accessories.

I think the moral of this story is that we don’t have to choose. The flood gates are open and I’d love to keep it there emoji


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mel inspired