Blogging and this beautiful world of digital is literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I don’t mean in the way that it’s become my full-time career (more on this later), but in the way that it’s truly brought more love and friends into my life.
Funny story actually – I started blogging when I was 14 (way before it was cool), and the reason why I did was actually to make friends. I felt really isolated in school, didn’t have many friends, and took to online to fill the void I was missing. Soon, a couple piczo friends became so much more than a couple, and suddenly, I had a bunch of friends I could speak to all the time, from all over the world. That’s how it all started for me. It’s the reason, you’ll never just be a reader, a follower, or a number to me… you’re truly my friends.
Mushy stuff aside, I feel like the internet and the world has changed so much since I was 14… in so many good ways, and in so many ways I feel like we could do better at. I never understood the whole #YouCan’tSitWithUs movement… YOU CAN TOTALLY SIT WITH ME AND WHOEVER I’M WITH. I just feel like online should more people together instead of pushing people apart.
One thing I’ve committed myself to doing more of is meeting people. When you start doing this full-time, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the who’s who and what’s what of it all that you forget the simple joy of meeting people (online and offline). And that’s where Monika comes in.
I only met Monika a couple months ago in the summer. Her and Jeremiah came up to me at an event and introduced themselves (you’d be surprised at how rare this actually is nowadays). They told me that they had just moved to Toronto from living in Calgary and Berlin and we realized we had been Instagram friends for a while. Fast forward a couple months later, and Monika has become one of my really good friends.
Meeting friends, locally, globally, online, offline… no matter how you’re doing it, I truly believe it’s what life’s about. There’s always something to be learnt from everyone single person you meet. And whether big or small, each and every person that touches your life makes an impact on it.
Together Collection by Thomas Sabo
I love inspirations behind collections. It adds some much more value to the piece, I find. The Together collection by Thomas Sabo is really about celebrating togethernewss. It’s about celebrating unbreakable bonds, precious relationships… and it’s done through timeless, yet meaningful, icons. Hearts? check. Interlocking rings? check I love that the Together theme is an interpretive one. It can mean whatever you want it to and it can be dedicated to any special person in your life.
And in a time where I feel like the world needs more togetherness, these pieces were the perfect symbols to my timeless jewelry closet.
The entire collection is super affordable and is made with a range of materials from diamonds to sterling silver, so that there’s something for everyone. It also makes for the perfect holiday gift for that special person you want to say “I love you” or “I appreciate you” to.
And when I thought about the person I wanted to celebrate the Together collection with, I knew Monika would be the perfect partner. I feel like being able to meet someone a year ago online, stay connected, have them move to your city, and actually become offline (non-blogging) friends is such a representation of what “together” means in our day in age. It doesn’t have to be the digitally cold millennial lifestyle we’re so often stigma-ed with.
We had such an amazing shopping day together at the Thomas Sabo boutique and were able to find pieces from the collection that not only reflected our own personal styles, but ones that we both felt represented the other person.
Together Collection Pieces I Chose
There were so many choices, but I knew I wanted to play with mixed metals. I chose 2 “Together Forever” necklaces (one in silver and one in rose gold), the “Together Forever” ring (that is so effortlessly chic), and the “Together” ring (which is probably the coolest concept ever with the band and locked circle combo).
Celebrating Together
Naturally, we had to grab some brunch after our shopping trip. The boys joined us of course, and it was no nice to talk to fellow bloggers who truly are also amazing people.
So whether it’s your partner, your best friend, or someone who you became friends with online, make sure you give them a squeeze (virtual or literal) and tell them how much you appreciate them. You could even give that extra bit of Thomas Sabo sparkle! But it all seriousness, whether it’s a stranger or your best friend, I truly believe we’re better together.
And the world needs more together.