Rewind even just 3 years and I never would have thought twice about my gut health or the use of
probiotics (it’s for old people after all, right?). But like all things that are too good to be true, it didn’t last forever.
It might not be the sexiest of subjects, but honestly, it was starting to impede on my daily life. On days I was feeling bloated (for no reason I could pinpoint exactly, and not because of my period), I would’ve felt like going to the gym. I would be at restaurants and get a bit nervous about whether something was going to upset my stomach or not. My birthday just passed a couple of weeks ago and maybe it was the thought of getting older and wanting to take care of myself more, but I suddenly took an active interest in it. After asking around a bunch, I realized that many other young people were experiencing this and too, and I wasn’t alone (as non-sexy as it might be, it’s definitely a common sentiment). A healthy diet and a daily probiotic seemed to be the most common response. I set off to learn more.
*koena recommends one oral capsule daily. Always read and follow the label.
What Are Probiotics?
There’s actually something called microbiota in our bodies. It helps to digest, fight infections and
protect your body from toxins. And without getting too sciency (it definitely wasn’t my favourite
subject), our intestines are filled in part with bacteria. No two people have the same combination of
bacteria. Probiotics may help to maintain your healthy gut flora.
You can learn more about what probiotics are (and all the fun science-stuff) here.
First Time Trying Probiotics & koena Probiotics
When I did my research on probiotics and looking up what brand I should try, something stood out about
koena products. koena’s multi-strain blend claimed to support gastrointestinal health, and actually help to
promote a favorable gut flora (that sciency stuff we chatted about above).
The supplements come in capsule form that you take every day. There are couple different choices of
their probiotics to choose from, depending on what your needs are.
* This product might not be suitable for you. Always read and follow label instructions. For more information on koena visit or speak to your pharmacist.
Learn more about which one is right for you here.
I chose to start taking the Woman Daily probiotics from koena and have been using it consistently for the
past month (I think I missed only 2 days in the last month). It was easy to integrate into my routine (I take
it alongside my multi vitamin) and isn’t one of those gigantic pills you dread taking.
After the first week, to be honest, I didn’t notice that much. But I definitely didn’t have any discomfort that
week (although I chalked that up to coincidence).
After my second week, I noticed a difference. It’s a hard feeling to describe, but one change I noticed was
how regular I was.
The third week was the true test for me. I travelled to Paris and almost EVERY TIME I take a trip, my
digestive system is all over the place while I’m there and when I get back I. Felt. GOOD. The. Whole.
* This product might not be suitable for you. Always read and follow label instructions. For more information on koena visit or speak to your pharmacist.
definitely notice a difference in my body and the way my gut treats me. Taking my koena probiotics everyday has become part of my daily morning routine, I almost don’t recognize my mornings without it and I can confidently say I’m hooked. You could try it if like me you are looking to support your gut and thank me later (at least I know your digestive systems will haha mine did)!
Here’s to never letting our digestion or anything else get in the way of feeling great about our bodies!
Have you ever taken probiotics? Have you ever tried koena Probiotics?
*** This post was made in generous partnership and in promotional consideration with koena Probiotics. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
*** This product might not be suitable for you. Always read and follow label instructions. For more information on koena visit or speak to your pharmacist.