No one can deny the recent craze that is… duhn duhn duhn… the Juice Cleanse. I know juice cleanses are a well known thing within the health guru, fitness junkie, organic loving groups, but for the every day working girl, it’s a pretty new thing. I’ve heard a lot of good and some bad about juice cleanses, with the typical: “you always feel hunrgy”, “you’ll feel so energized”, “it makes your skin glow”, “you poop a lot” sort of reviews. I’ve always been curious to try an actual cleanse, and to decode all the myths on my own, but never got around to it. So when the opportunity to try out the Cedar Juice Cleanse came about, it was an automatic yes. Not to mention, their bottles were so cute and modern looking (and I’m a sucker for good packaging).
The process of ordering my Cedar Juice Cleanse and having it delivered literally to my doorstep was flawless. I put in my order online at, chose the date I wanted to do my Cedar juice cleanse, and it shipped to my door the day before I was to do my Cedar Juice Cleanse. I felt like the juices were freshly pressed, not frozen, and specifically for my cleanse. Way to make a girl feel special, right?
Negative Nancies may argue, “No Mel, it’s not actually fresh“. And to you, I say, “well you know what? the psychological consumer play did its job!” Whether or not it really was pressed for me or not, the fact that it was delivered specifically for the date I chose for my cleanse got me so much more pumped than if I just went out to buy it. Because of this, I felt like I was more committed and enthusiastic to do it and complete it … or else some Juice God would shame me or something for not following through.
Inside A Cedar Juice Cleanse
Of course, I have my favourites and feedback on all the juices. I was told by a lot of people that I should expect to feel like I was really “drinking health”, i.e. it’s going to taste like shit. TBH though, none of them really tasted like that. These were my favs, not so favs, and the feedback from my taste buds:
1 & 3 – Kale Made Good:
This one was the one that screamed health. You could taste all the little nuances of the veggies, but with sweet fruity tones. You did have to shake it a lot, so as to not let the chunky stuff stick together and sink to the last few sips though. All in all, this is exactly what I expected from a juice cleanse – greens, refreshing, and a bit earthy. What surprised me was that this drink (which is your first and third) really does make you full!
2- Pineapple Head:
Man, does this one taste good. Think basically pineapple juice, but with so much more pineapple! Does that even make sense?! Plus, we all hear about the wonders that pineapple does for you in the bedroom . I can neither deny nor confirm this though!
4- Lemon’s Your Lucky Day:
Pucker up sweetheart. If you’re into sour candies or sucking on lemons, you’re going to adore this drank. It feels really detoxifying and definitely not as bitter as pure lemon juice!
5- Skip To The Beet:
I personally hate beets so this one was hard to stomach for me. To me, they just taste like dirt. Despite this, I got it down.
6- Cracked It:
So this was BY FAR my favorite juice of the cleanse. When you were a kid, did you ever just let your ice cream melt so you could drink it? Yeah, well this is exactly what this tastes like. I can’t believe it’s healthy and has hemp in it – it feels almost guilty to drink.
Effects of a Cedar Juice Cleanse
I had so many questions leading up to my cleanse and now the Juice Cleanse Gods have answered me, or well, I’ve answered myself. Here were my findings! I’m interested to see if your findings were the same or not too. Make sure to let me know your feedback on your juice cleanses in the comments
Lose weight?
I don’t think I lost any physical weight – but I did notice that my stomach felt tighter and I definitely felt less bloated! This would have been perfect if I did it during the summer months and could run around in a bikini too
Poop lots?
Yes. Yes I did. And it was very different (without being too graphic). Before doing this cleanse, I was told I would need to be running to the washroom every hour. This is wrong, but you definitely are more regular than you are normally.
Dying of hunger?
At points, here and there, especially because of the point above this! Every time I would go to the washroom, I felt like my body was empty again. The Cedar Juice Cleanse gives you 6 juices during the day (I did it every 2 hours) though, so after I got a new juice in me, I felt better.
Have lots/little energy?
There were times, especially during the first day, where I felt a bit dizzy (it probably didn’t help I was looking at a computer screen all day), but the episodes didn’t last long. Other than feeling a bit drained and dizzy at a few points, I didn’t feel like I had any less energy than a normal day!
Feel healthier?
Is it weird that I felt cleaner? It was almost as if I felt like I was giving my insides a scrubbing or something. As cliché as it sounds, the Cedar Juice Cleanse really did feel cleansing. I guess that’s the point though, isn’t it?
Best part?
A seemingly flatter stomach. Okay, I know this might be a psychological trip but I really did feel like I was waking up with a flatter tummy. Another great side effect was that after the cleanse, I felt SO guilty eating anything crappy, so the effects definitely lasted longer than 3 days… until I ate that 5 piece nugget combo, at least.
Worst part?
No coffee. Withdrawal was horrible. I thought I was going to die the morning of the first day… or severely hurt someone in my office
All in all, I think my first Cedar Juice Cleanse was a success. I don’t really have too much to compare it with so sadly, I can’t really say whether I know it’s superior to any other cleanse programs. I can say, however, that it was much more enjoyable than I thought! Not to mention, I’m totally still dreaming about that vanilla number.
If you want to try the Cedar Juice Cleanse, save yo dollas as use the promo code: AF – Melinspired10% and click on the screenshot below to browse their options! You can do a 1 day (if you’re whatevs), 3 day (if you’re a new champ), and 5 day (if you’re a veteran).
I’d defo do another cleanse again but would love to hear your thoughts on some of the ones you’ve tried! Link me to your reviews if you’re a blogger