The most important part of a muffin, in my humble opinion, is how moist and fluffy it is. TBH, I’m not typically a big fan of muffins. I find them a bit too dense and often too cakey. That is, until I got let in to the Pereira family secret of blueberry muffins.
Dave’s mom has made these delicious, fluffy bundles of joy over the years but I finally got my hands on the recipe. As with most family recipes, there was a lot of “a bit of this” and “some of that”, so I played around with the ingredients and figured out the perfect mix… with that familiar family’s secret fluffiness.

Below you’ll find a .jpg recipe card that you can save to your device and keep beside you in the kitchen. I always find that this is the best way of sharing recipes, so that you’re not digging to remember the link you found it.
- Make sure to use either a greased muffin pan or the paper cups
- The amount of crumb you place on the muffin will determine how crunchy your muffin top is. I like to go hard on this, but it’s to your taste
- If you’re looking to store these blueberry muffins, they’ll last for a week with the same moistness. Make sure to place them in a sealed container.
- To achieve that “fresh out of the oven” feeling, simply microwave the muffin for 10s before serving
Happy blueberry muffin baking friends!