Imma get a little bit serious for this post. Life can be really tough sometimes. I would say, for the most of us, life is 70% perking up through non-ideal situations and only 30% pure enjoyment without hassle. Not to be a dampener or anything, but life’s a whole lot of tough times. No matter what your circumstance (I believe everything is relative), life is tough times. If it’s a loved one in the hospital or just being stuck in traffic, these are tough times. And there’s no avoiding it.
But because there’s no avoiding it, I believe you’ve gotta take it all in, maybe cry it out for a bit, and perk up. I know that’s so much easier said than done, but at the end of the day, I think it was Pitbull (yes Pitbull), who says “everyday above ground is a good day”. These tough times are just what you make of it, how you’re seeing it, and how you deal with it in your mind.
This philosophy of getting through tough times was totally the inspiration not only behind this post itself, but this look. Sometimes when you’re looking in the mirror, trying to perk yourself up, it helps to see yourself in a bright, peppy, outfit. I feel like it visually trick myself to perk up.
Here are some tips that I try and use to perk up through my tough times. Sometimes they work and sometimes I feel like telling myself to piss off, but if they help even a little bit, my job is done.
1. Force a Smile
This one can be tough and it feels really unnatural at first, but it does work. Something about the physical motion of smiling triggers a mental feeling of happiness (even if it is for a split second). I’m stuck in traffic for at least 2 hours everyday, so I’m normally the crazy girl that’s got her smile on in the car in stopped highway traffic Trust me, if anything, you’ll start laughing at yourself and that will make you smile f’real.
2. Compartmentalize
Compartmentalizing seems like it should be easy right? “I’m good at organizing so I should be able to do this easily ” WRONG. When you’re going through tough times, engulfed in the feeling of being upset, feeling like everything is crashing down on you, even the smallest things can seem catastrophic. Try and put problems and things you have to do in buckets (I visualize them in purses hehe) and work on one bucket at a time, not letting any other buckets affect the efficiency of you getting through the bucket you’re working on.
3. Find An Outlet

This is the best one to commit to when you’re going through tough times (as long as it doesn’t become an extra burden). Finding something else to keep your mind on while time heals the rest is sometimes the only thing you can do. Transform that stress and anger into something that becomes productive (it could be the next big thing ). Whether it’s a blog, a new workout routine, or a DIY home project, clearing your mind from those tough times gives you a break from the chaos. It doesn’t need to be a big project either. Sometimes I just sit for a couple hours organizing my jewelry.
4. Remember You Are Your Best Friend
Channel that inner Beyonce, or Anna Wintour, or whoever it is that you see as a powerful, strong figure. A lot of people try and lean on the other people in their life and while, of course, your friends and family are amazing, they have their own life too. They can’t always be there for you, at your beck and call. Don’t be disappointed or more upset, just remember that the person who will never EVER leave you hanging out to dry and will always be there during tough times, no matter what, is yourself
5. Just GO To Sleep
If you’re an over thinker like I am, you’ll drive yourself crazy stressing out about something or figuring out how to solve a problem. Use that undeniable will power to force yourself to NOT think and just go to sleep. Take yourself to bed, it feels unnatural when you’re not tired, but your brain needs a reset. Rest your mind and attack those issues in the morning – aka get moving to bed!
6. Don’t Spiral
One thing leads to the next, and the next, and the next, and the next thing you know, you’re overwhelmed and having a panic attack (aka super tough times). Try not to spiral when this happens – remember that you have breath in your lungs and force yourself, if need be, to remember that things WILL work themselves out.
7. Get Into Boss Mentality
A lot of people think this means work till you dry out. It doesn’t. The most successful people in the world work hard but they also are EXTREMELY mentally strong. They know their minds- they know when to rest them and when not to push harder. Knowing (yourself) is half the battle. GI Jane!