The Toronto International Film Festival is an exciting time for us Torontonians. It’s one week in a year where the international lime light really shines on us (with the exception of our debatably mediocre PanAm stint this year). TIFF is something we just really rock at, and have for many years. So if you’re from Toronto, or the GTA, you know that when this week rolls around you either: 1) stay indoors the entire week to escape the chaos, 2) have been planning outfits, schedules, and shenanigans for weeks already.
Although, I’m not really your average “party goer” anymore, I do love the sparkle and glitter of Toronto during TIFF. Back when I used to host events in the nightlife scene, TIFF was my favourite time of year. You never knew who would walk into your venue – I’ve had the pleasure of having a by-chance encounter with Ben Affleck, the Weeknd, and Eva Longoria during TIFF.
Whenever I got ready to go out, I loved being able to really dress how I felt: classy and timeless, fun and bright, or daring and sexy. I guess I kind of had personas. I love that about parties and getting dressed up, you really get to just become who you want to be for the night (for the record, I’m not endorsing any sort of Ashley Madison shenanigans, although I’ve witnessed my fair share).
So to pay homage to my past-party-life and to hopefully get you amped up for TIFF, I’ve rounded up some of my favourite party looks and the brutally honest personas to go with it (admittedly, I totally fit into all of these categories , but for the purpose of this post, descriptions will be done in third person
The Bubbly, Fun (sometimes annoying
) Girl
This look is for the girl who just wants to have fun. She doesn’t get messy but her style definitely matches the bubbly energy inside. Sometimes she’s loud, she’s always wearing some bright colour with a statement necklace, and is normally found sporting a smile. She’s never in a long dress because, duh, you can’t dance as much in a long dress
The Trendy, Seasoned Clubber (often misunderstood
) Girl
This chica knows her stuff when it comes to parties – where to go, who to avoid, which security guards to greet first. This is her habitat. She likely works in the industry and prides herself on showing the friends she’s with a good time. She’s selective with her outfit choice (knowing that it’s a one-time only dress because event photographers will immortalize your look forever). Her dresses are always “club attire” (likely not to be worn around coworkers) but have a unique sass to them (she knows to never be caught buying from the regular club-dress stores).
Note: Yes, I was totally this girl for a solid amount of time
The Classy, Elegant (occasionally snobby
) Girl
This girl lady is basically never caught “going cray” or “turning up”. She sips on her drink, prides herself on never being drunk, and can sometimes seem like she’s got a stick in her butt. She looks classy and elegant and exudes an ora of sophistication. She likes to be taken seriously and treats “going out” and a networking opportunity. Her outfits are put together, simplistically elegant, and often black. It’s possible she may have been styled for the event. Deep down she regrets she didn’t wear something more fun to dance in
I’m comfortable enough with myself to admit that I am indeed every single one of these girls. Depending on my mood and the occasion, I definitely find myself embodying a lot of these traits. They’re not all good and can often be perceived as “unlikeable”; but at the end of the day, if you’re happy with who you are, how you look, and how you have fun – that’s all that matters.
p.s. Have you entered my TIFF + Elevate Lounge Giveaway? Click the photo for two easy steps to win a pre-TIFF package
Hope you’re all excited for TIFF and had a few chuckles about some of your friends who fit into these categories! Wishing you safe partying nights friends!