So long are the days where people would say “you can’t wear white after Labour Day”. In fact, I would challenge that with “WEAR white after Labour Day”. What can I say? I’m a rebel with a cause haha
In all seriousness, there’s nothing I love more than an all white chilly-weather outfit. Perhaps it’s the fact that I live in a freezing, gloomy city for 3-4 months out of the year. Wearing white in the colder months just gives me this fresh, chic, and brighter pep to my step. With that said,
Sometimes thinking of a cold-weather appropriate, all white outfit can feel daunting
But it doesn’t have to be! There are so many ways to make white work for the winter season (see what I did there haha I like to think I’m a literary genius). Here are few of my best tips for wearing white in the winter season:
Find cozy knits to add that cold-season texture to an all white outfit
Look for shades of white, off-white, and cream to compliment each other. It also makes for easy pairing!
Don’t be afraid of layering, tucking, and transforming. That way you can important whites in a way that feels comfortable to you if a full white outfit isn’t.
Find items that will carry well throughout seasons (and are thus good for layering)
Perhaps most importantly, invest in a stain remover haha (this one might just be for me)
I’m currently obsessed with Winter-White-Dressing. I find myself often drifting back to these outfits because they’re so effortless but carry a chic vibe to it. This outfit is not only my favourite winter-white pieces, but it’s also super warm!

It features one of my go-to silhouettes of sweaters (the turtleneck sweater) – this one from Le Chateau is super comfortable and I have it in a ton of colours. It also includes my go-to cardigan, also from Le Chateau. The knit is so comfortable (and not itchy – super important) and is so easy to throw onto anything and everything, which makes it a layering must-have. I sized up so that it would fit over even my chunkiest of sweaters. Pair it up with your favourite pair of white pants or jeans, get adventurous with a pair of white booties, and your winter-white outfit is good-to-go.
Here’s to breaking those norms and wearing that crisp white (even after Labour Day)!
Do you enjoy wearing white for the colder season?