Summertime lovin’ is upon us – let the bikinis fly, cocktails pour, and Vitamin D sun bathing begin… right? Or not… at least not entirely. Let’s just say that summer comes with a few things to keep in mind… and a few ways we need to change our minds about a couple of things. Growing up and up until recently, I always thought:
Sun’s out, buns out! I’m soaking in all of the Vitamin D I can before Jon Snow announces that Winter is Coming all over again….
Now in my mid-to-late 20s and with the plethora of sun safety education around me, this phrase has kind of evolved. I still love the feeling of summer – the amount of natural light I get in my home and enjoying time on a patio or a beach – as much as the next chica, but I’ve learned that it’s important to add a footnote to this. And it’s one I’m passionate about sharing.

Vitamin D is Key
D is for deficiency-prone
I had no idea, but Vitamin D is also one of those vitamins that gets so easily overlooked. In the summer, so many Canadians assume that they’re getting enough Vitamin D by being exposed to the sun more (hello 21 year old me!). The truth is a hard pill to swallow – ten fold:
- Our bodies are actually limited in our ability to produce Vitamin D from the sun. There’s only so much our bodies can produce, and often, it’s not enough
- If you’ve been hiding under a rock and don’t know this already, prolonged exposure to the sun is no bueno for our skin (not to mention, hello wrinkles and sun spots). The damage that the sun does to our skin (especially if you’re not super diligent with SPF application is horrendous)
- There are very few food sources that contain this nutrient
- 1 in 3 Canadians are Vitamin D deficient and most aren’t getting their optimal level
The D-Plan
A, B, and C aren’t working for us anymore. No to our bodies magically creating enough Vitamin D. No to soaking sun rays thinking we’re doing our bodies good. And no to food sources being enough to supply us with our optimal amounts. So what now? Enter supplements.
It really is so important that you’re slotting a Vitamin D supplement into your daily routine. And choosing the right one for you comes with options.
Jamieson Vitamin D
I’ve been taking Jamieson supplements since I can remember taking supplements. They’ve always been in my favourite Shoppers Drug Marts (and my parents introduced me to them, so it’s like a family affair). Upon adulthood, I’ve learned that they also pride themselves on maintaining and providing the purest, safest, and effective natural health solutions. And when you’re thinking of incorporating something into your daily life, I feel like those values are really important. As a particularly non-sciency type of person, I also like the amount of selection and choice I have when choosing a “vitamin vehicle” that’s right for me.
Since the start of the summer, I’ve been taking Jamieson’s Vitamin D (of course, combined with a good sunscreen and the practice of sunscreen re-applications). Their Vitamin D supplements are D3, so it’s the form that our body naturally produces when exposed to the sun. I personally use the Jamieson Vitamin D Tablets, Vitamin D Gummies, and Vitamin D Spray (when I’m on-the-go), but there’s a whole range of options you can choose from:
*** This post was made in generous partnership with Jamieson Canada. All thoughts, opinions, and recommendations are exclusively my own.
Do you take Vitamin D supplements? Let me know in the comments below.